If you're an author, publisher, or publicist interested in having your book(s) reviewed by LitPick, you can submit it for a LitPick Package.
Here's what you get with a LitPick Package:
Your book is
added to our website with the book's cover, description, age level, genre, and a link for purchase.
linked to an author page where we include an author’s headshot, bio, awards, website, and social media pages.
promoted in our newsletter to our reviewers and on our website marquee.
can receive a special video book trailer for YouTube and our social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X, and Blogger). This book trailer will be submitted for posting on your book's Amazon listing (at Amazon's discretion).
eligible for review by our worldwide network of reviewers and potentially can receive a LitPick Five Star or Top Choice Book Award
Once your book is listed on LitPick, it will be available for review by our reviewers. Usually, LitPick Package books will receive at least one review within 4 - 8 weeks.
LitPick Reviews and awards are posted on our website and are available for authors and publishers to use for promotions and on social media. If your title receives a LitPick Top Choice Award, we will highlight it in our monthly newsletter to our members as well as on our social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X, and Blogger).
Our reviewers are free to choose which books they want to review.
If we suspect that we may have difficulty obtaining reviews for your title, we will offer to make special arrangements for your submission. Special arrangements are also extended to publishers and publicists who regularly submit titles to us for review. Please contact us if you are interested. email us.
If you have any questions, please email us. Furthermore, if your title has a companion online educational lesson plan or study guide, please let us know.
LitPick Video Book Trailers
Let us create a short video book trailer for your title
A LitPick Video Book Trailer is approximately a one minute video about your book. It includes attention-grabbing story or plot ideas, the recommended reader age level, and other engaging items designed to attract readers.
Authors and publishers can upload these videos to their websites and social media pages to attract the attention of readers and help their title get noticed. We also upload them to LitPick's YouTube page , our social media pages (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, X, and Blogger), and to your Amazon book page (at Amazon's discretion).
Picture Books
We love picture books and our reviewers will review them either as eBooks or print books.
Print picture books that are offered for review are drop-shipped by the author directly to the reviewer when a review request has been made for the title by a reviewer. LitPick will arrange this dropship between the author and reviewer.
We have specific reviewers who have experience reviewing picture books and who can usually turnaround a review in a relatively short amount of time.
Yes, our reviewers will review eBooks! This format is very popular among our book reviewers, particularly our reviewers outside of the continental U.S.
Some things you should know:
We prefer to receive eBooks as a pdf file, but we will accept other formats.
The review books sent to us by authors, publicists, and publishers, whether print or eBooks, will be reviewed a limited number of times by our reviewers.
Please be assured that we explicitly warn our reviewers about the illegality of piracy.
Embryo-books and manuscripts
Yes, our reviewers will even review embryo-books and manuscripts!
Would you like feedback on some initial chapters of your book or on a manuscript? Here are our options:
$ 50.00 (up to 100 pages)
$100.00 (100 - 300 pages)
$200.00 (300 - 500 pages)
Our reviewers are available from your target audience to review your manuscripts and give you their thoughts. Please contact us for details.
Yes, we will review a book series! Contact us for more information.
General information about our review process
Please do not send us review copies before submitting your book or emailing us for instructions.
Once we receive information about your book, the book will be posted on an internal online book list. This list of books is available for review ONLY by our LitPick book reviewers after they log into LitPick.
Our book reviewers free to request books they want to review from this book list. We do not ask reviewers to review books that do not appeal to them. Once your book is chosen by a reviewer, it will promptly be sent to them for review.
After our reviewer reads and reviews a book and their book review is posted on LitPick, we will email the individual who sent us the review book to inform them that their book has been reviewed and that the review appears on LitPick. They will also be notified if the title received a LitPick Book Review Five Star or Top Choice Award from us.